ROGERS CUP | Serena Williams s-a RETRAS si a anuntat ca e in DEPRESIE: "Ma ajuta sa vorbesc despre asta" 

Serena Williams Rogers Cup serena Serena Rogers Cup Serena Williams Rogers Cup Tenis Serena Williams
Data publicarii: Marti 07 August 2018, 13:15
Data actualizarii: Marti 07 August 2018, 13:15

Serena Williams nu va participa la Rogers Cup de la Montreal. 

Serena incearca din rasputeri sa revina in elita tenisului si a reusit sa ajunga chiar pana in finala de la Wimbledon. Apoi si-a luat pauza si a petrecut timp cu familia, dupa care a suferit cea mai drastica infrangere din cariera, 1-6; 0-6 cu Johanna Konta la San JOse.

Serena s-a retras acum de la Rogers Cup si a anuntat ca se confrunta cu o problema personala: depresia postnatala.

Serena a dezvaluit ca a avut o saptamana dificila si a decis sa isi continue perioada de pauza.

"Saptamana trecuta nu a fost usoara pentru mine. Nu doar ca acceptam niste chestii personale, dar ma aflam intr-o stare. In mare parte, simteam ca nu sunt o mama suficient de buna. Am citit cateva articole care spuneau ca emotiile postnatale pot dura si 3 ani daca nu le confrunti. Imi place comunicarea cel mai bine. Sa vorbesc cu mama mea, cu surorile mele, cu prietenii ma ajuta sa-mi dau seama ca sentimentele mele sunt complet normale", a scris Serena pe Instagram. 


Last week was not easy for me. Not only was I accepting some tough personal stuff, but I just was in a funk. Mostly, I felt like I was not a good mom. I read several articles that said postpartum emotions can last up to 3 years if not dealt with. I like communication best. Talking things through with my mom, my sisters, my friends let me know that my feelings are totally normal. It’s totally normal to feel like I’m not doing enough for my baby. We have all been there. I work a lot, I train, and I’m trying to be the best athlete I can be. However, that means although I have been with her every day of her life, I’m not around as much as I would like to be. Most of you moms deal with the same thing. Whether stay-at-home or working, finding that balance with kids is a true art. You are the true heroes. I’m here to say: if you are having a rough day or week--it’s ok--I am, too!!! There’s always tomm!

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Azi, Irina Begu, Ana Bogdan, Monica Niculescu, Sorana Cirstea si Mihaela Buzarnescu intra in scena la Rogers Cup. Urmareste aici toate rezultatele! 

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