VIDEO Incidente incredibile: Boca Juniors - River Plate a fost suspendat dupa ce suporterii au dat cu spray lacrimogen pe tunel

Data publicarii: Vineri 15 Mai 2015, 11:26
Data actualizarii: Vineri 15 Mai 2015, 21:49

"Este o rusine ce s-a intamplat", a spus antrenorul lui River Plate dupa incidentele incredibile de la derby-ul Argentinei.

Meciul dintre Boca Juniors si River Plate a fost suspendat, dupa ce mai multi suporteri au dat cu spray lacrimogen in tuneul de acces spre vestiare.

"Nu mai vad nimic, sunt ars", a strigat Ramiro Funes, unul dintre fundasii lui River Plate.

Spiritele s-au incins in tribune dupa ce o drona controlata de suporterii Bocai a inceput sa survoleze stadionul La Bombonera. Drona imita o fantoma inscriptionata cu litera "B", pentru a le aminti fanilor lui River perioada in care echipa a jucat in liga a II-a.


DRONE DISTURBS THE SUPERCLASICOBUENOS AIRES - Boca Juniors X River Plate had to be suspended after Boca Juniors fans flying a drone with the letter ‘B’. The letter ‘B’ refer to the time River Plate played in the second tier of Argentine football.Update: the match wasn't suspended because of the drone, but because of Boca supporters hit River players with teargas. Four players were hit in the eyes and couldn't play anymore. Tnx Mike v. M. for the update!!

Posted by FootballCulture on Friday, May 15, 2015

Din cauza incidentelor provocate de suporteri, Boca Juniors ar putea pierde meciul la masa verde. Decizia va fi data astazi.

60.000 de suporteri au fost in tribune la derby-ul Argentinei.

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