Sergio Ramos rupe tacerea! Ce spune despre suspendarea cu Ajax, scandalul cu Marcelo la antrenament si situatia lui Solari

Sergio Ramos REAL - AJAX Real Madrid santiago solari Sergio Ramos Real Madrid Spania Sergio Ramos rupe tacerea! Ce spune despre suspendarea cu Ajax, scandalul cu Marcelo la antrenament si situatia lui Solari
Data publicarii: Luni 11 Martie 2019, 14:26
Data actualizarii: Luni 11 Martie 2019, 14:30

Capitanul Realului a raspuns la cele mai importante intrebari legate de situatia de la club.

Real Madrid trece prin cel mai slab sezon din ultimul deceniu - eliminata din toate competitiile, Real mai are sanse minime la castigarea titlului in Spania, singurul trofeu pe care l-ar mai putea obtine.

Real a fost eliminata saptamana trecuta de Ajax dupa o victorie cu 4-1 pe Santiago Bernabeu. Ramos nu a fost pe teren fiind suspendat si a fost criticat pentru ca a fost filmat pentru un documentar in timpul partidei.

Sergio Ramos a postat pe internet raspunsul la mai multe intrebari importante legate de situatia de la Real din ultima saptamana.

- A fost o greseala cartonasul galben de la Amsterdam?
Sergio Ramos: Absolut a fost o eroare si imi asum responsabilitatea 200%.
- De ce ai inregistrat pentru documentar?
SR: Exista anumite obligatii facute si nu mi-a trecut nici macar o clipa prin cap ca meciul se poate termina astfel. Imaginile au fost stopate cu cat meciul a avansat.
- Te-ai certat cu presedintele clubului in vestiar?
SR: Problemele din vestiar sunt discutate si rezolvate in vestiar. Nu exista nicio problema si toata lumea are un singur interes: Real Madrid
- Ai vorbit cu colegii tai si i-ai criticat?
SR: Mereu vorbim si ne motivam reciproc in vestiar si mereu o facem intr-un mod constructiv.
- Ai avut o confruntare cu Marcelo?
SR: Avem schimburi in timpul fiecarui antrenament. Este o parte din lucratul sub presiune. Dar este doar o anectodata asa cum sunt multe ce au loc in fiecare zi. Marcelo imi e ca un frate
- De ce ai mers la Valladolid?
SR: Pentru ca am vrut sa fiu aproape si sa-mi sprijin colegii
- Ce se intampla cu antrenorul echipei?
SR: Este o decizie pe care nu o luam noi si in care nu ne implicam niciodata. Mereu am avut respect pentru aceasta pozitie si mereu am respectat antrenorul lui Real Madrid.

"Aceste lucruri sunt, fara indoiala, rezultatul unui sezon extrem de dezamagitor dar daca succesul nu ne-a oprit, cu siguranta nu vom lasa esecurile sa o faca. Este obligatia noastra sa continuam, sa muncim si sa ne dezvoltam. Si sa ne amintim ca unii dintre noi suntem norocosi sa jucam la Real Madrid, unii dintre noi suntem norocosi sa facem parte din istoria clubului.

Dar Real Madrid a fost, este si mereu va fi Real Madrid. Nu exista un singur nume care sa creeze legenda Realului, dar cu totii am scris aceasta legenda impreuna. Impreuna trebuie sa muncim pentru viitor si sa ne refacem speranta" a mai scris Sergio Ramos.



As footballers we like to do our talking on the pitch but this season is not turning out that way. Recent events have been disastrous and I’m not hiding. We are not hiding. We the players are primarily responsible and I, as captain, more than anyone. That's why I thought that the most honest way to answer the questions that are circulating around us would be to tackle them directly. Was the yellow card in Amsterdam an error? Absolutely it was an error and I take the blame 200%. Why did you record the documentary? There are certain commitments made and it never remotely went through my head that the game could have turned out as it did. The recording itself was scaled down as the game went on. Did you argue with the President in the dressing room? Dressing room issues are discussed and resolved in the dressing room. There's no problem whatsoever and everybody has the same interest: Real Madrid. Did you address your teammates and criticize them? We always talk and motivate each other in the dressing room and always in a constructive way. Did you have a confrontation with Marcelo? We have exchanges in every training session. It's part of working with pressure. But it’s just an anecdote like so many others that happen from day to day. @Marcelotwelve is like a brother to me. Why did you travel to Valladolid? Because I wanted to be close and support my teammates. What's happening with the coach? It’s a decision that’s not ours to make and in which we never interfere. We have enormous respect for the position and we always support the Real Madrid coach. These reflections are, without doubt, the result of a deeply disappointing season but if success didn’t stop us, we're not going to let defeat stop us. It's our obligation to carry on, to work and to evolve. And to remember that some of us are lucky enough to play for @realmadrid, some of us are lucky enough to form part of its history, but #RealMadrid was, is and will always be #RealMadrid. No one name makes the legend of Real Madrid, but we have all written that legend together. Together we have to work for the future and restore our hope. Madridista Commitment. #HalaMadrid

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