"Eram un copil de 12 ani, inspaimantat de bombardamente!" Dezvaluiri CUTREMURATOARE dupa scandalul momentului in Premier League

Premier League Anglia
Data publicarii: Luni 05 Noiembrie 2018, 15:32
Data actualizarii: Luni 05 Noiembrie 2018, 15:35

Nemanja Matic a refuzat sa poarte floarea de mac pe tricoul de joc. Simbolul ii omoagiaza pe eroii britanici care si-au pierdut vietile in razboaie si a fost preluat si in Premier League de fotbalisti, antrenori si oficiali.

Matic si-a explicat optiunea intr-o postare pe Instagram.

"Mie imi aminteste de atacul pe care l-a suferit tara mea in 1999. Eram un baiat din Vrelo, aveam 12 ani, si eram inspaimantat", a scris Matic, care continua si spune ca nu vrea sa ofenseze pe nimeni cu alegerea sa: "Nu imi propun sa supar pe cineva. Totusi, suntem produse ale educatiei primite si fiecare avem motive pentru alegerile pe care le facem."


I recognise fully why people wear poppies, I totally respect everyone’s right to do so and I have total sympathy for anyone who has lost loved ones due to conflict. However, for me it is only a reminder of an attack that I felt personally as a young, frightened 12-year old boy living in Vrelo, as my country was devastated by the bombing of Serbia in 1999. Whilst I have done so previously, on reflection I now don't feel it is right for me to wear the poppy on my shirt. I do not want to undermine the poppy as a symbol of pride within Britain or offend anyone, however, we are all a product of our own upbringing and this is a personal choice for the reasons outlined. I hope everyone understands my reasons now that I have explained them and I can concentrate on helping the team in the games that lie ahead.

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