Tragedia care l-a lovit astazi pe Arnold Schwarzenegger! Franco Columbu, dubla castigator al Mr Olympia si cel mai bun prieten al lui Arnold, a murit

Data publicarii: Vineri 30 August 2019, 21:13
Data actualizarii: Vineri 30 August 2019, 21:19

Columbu si-a pierdut viata intr-un accident pe mare in Sardinia.

Franco Columbu, fost campion in bodybuilding, concursuri de strongman, partener de antrenament si bun prieten cu Arnold Schwarzenegger, si-a pierdut viata pe 30 august dupa un accident de barca in Italia. Columbu si Schwarzenegger au emigrat impreuna in America in 1969, Columbu a castigat concursul Mr Olympia in 1975 si 1981.

A avut o cariera de succes si in cinematografie, lucrand alaturi de Arnold la seria Terminatorul, fiind cascador si pentru alte productii, inclusiv Conan Barbarul. In 2009, el a primit premiul pentru recunoasterea intregii cariere, fiind autor de carti de nutritie si incercand sa ajute la cresterea popularitatii fitness-ului.

Arnold Schwarzenegger a publicat un mesaj emotionat pe internet in memoria lui Franco: "Sunt devastat astazi. Dar sunt si recunoscator pentru cei 54 de ani de prietenie si bucurie pe care am avut-o. Antrenamentele, meciurile de sah, cinele, farsele, lectiile de viata, le-am facut pe toate impreuna. Viata mea a fost mai frumoasa, mai amuzanta, mai colorata si completa datorita tie. Iti voi simti mereu lipsa. Te iubesc, Franco".


Franco, You’ve heard me say that I don’t like when people call me a self-made man. You’ve even heard me say that you’re part of the reason I could never accept that label. But I wanted you to know why. From the minute we met in Munich, you were my partner in crime. We pushed each other, we competed with each other, and we laughed at every moment along the way. When I finally got to America, I was alone. I’d left my family, my country, my whole life behind. So when I asked Joe Weider to bring you to train with me, it was because I knew I wasn’t the same without my best friend. I could thrive without money, without my parents, but I couldn’t thrive without you. I am devastated today. But I am also so, so grateful for the 54 years of friendship and joy we shared. The pumps, the chess games, the construction work, the meals, the pranks, the life lessons - we did it all together. We grew and we learned and we loved. My life was more fun, more colorful, and more complete because of you. I will always miss you. But I’ll also know that a part of you lives on in me, in Debbie, in Maria, and in the millions of people you inspired every day you lived. And I will be there for Maria and Debbie, so you can rest now with no worries. I love you Franco. I will always remember the joy you brought to my life, the advices you gave me, and the twinkle in your eye that never disappeared. You were my best friend. Love always, Arnold

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