De necrezut cum arata inainte! Bomba-sexy a slabit miraculos si a plans de fericire cand s-a uitat in oglinda. Acum parca e sosia Biancai Dragusanu

chloe ferry Virale De necrezut cum arata inainte! Bomba-sexy care a slabit miraculos. A plans de fericire cand s-a uitat in oglinda
Data publicarii: Miercuri 13 Mai 2020, 13:53
Data actualizarii: Miercuri 13 Mai 2020, 14:48

Chloe Ferry (24 de ani), vedeta in Marea Britanie pentru aparitiile din ”reality-show”-urile de televiziune, e protagonista unei transformari uluitoare din punct de vedere estetic, reusind sa slabeasca aproape 15 kilograme si sa-si construiasca silueta de model cu care face furori in social media.

Zilele trecute, englezoaica a avut curajul sa posteze pe Instagram o fotografie ”inainte si dupa” care ilustreaza perfect surplusul de greutate pe care a izbutit sa-l dea jos. ”Prieteni, sunt realmente emotionata”, a precizat Chloe, stapanindu-si cu greu lacrimile de fericire si multumindu-le celor care i-au trimis nenumarate comentarii pozitive, de apreciere a efortului depus.

  • De necrezut cum arata inainte! Bomba-sexy care a slabit miraculos. A plans de fericire cand s-a uitat in oglinda


It has taken a lot for me to upload these photos, as you know I'm judged on anything I do, A few years ago if anyone had told me where I’d be today I'd have laughed at them. It all started a good few years ago, being put into the spotlight and in the public eye at a very young age. Every aspect of my life was commented on - more so than anything else was my appearance. I'm a tough person, but waking up every day to comments like “you look fat” or “get a boob job” really starts to stick in your head, and it makes you start to think these people are right - I do need a boob job, or I do need to lose weight. I wanted a quick fix and turned to surgery thinking all these comments would go over night. This couldn’t have been further from the truth! In fact they increased! More fat comments, more about the way I looked. It eventually made me dread posting a photo because of all the trolls out there. This is where I made a lifestyle choice, I started to go to the gym and looking after my body. For me, it was my own little escape time, a break from the negativity that social media was bringing to my life. It wasn’t just good for my body, but good for my mind. At this point the negative comments became the driving factor to push me harder. Put yourself in my shoes, and imagine opening your Instagram to thousands of comments about being fat. I would not wish this on anyone. Now, I’m body confident in my own skin and happy with the way I look, physically and mentally. I’m finally feeling great! If I can do it so can you, and I want to be there to help anyone feeling that they can't.

O postare distribuită de Chloe Ferry???? (@chloegshore1) pe

De asemenea, Chloe Ferry a dat detalii despre cosmarul pe care l-a trait in lupta cu kilogramele. ”Sunt coplesita. Au fost momente cand m-am urat literalmente. Uram absolut tot in felul in care aratam. Acum ma simt in sfarsit bine in pielea mea”, a mai spus personalitatea TV.

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