Romanul care joaca in Creed 2 alaturi de Stallone, pe coperta celei mai populare reviste de fitness din lume! Cum se antreneaza pentru a arata asa

Data publicarii: Vineri 14 Septembrie 2018, 13:50
Data actualizarii: Vineri 14 Septembrie 2018, 14:50

Romanul Florian Munteanu, in varsta de 27 de ani, va fi adversarul lui Adonis Creed in partea a doua a filmului cu acelasi nume - CREED II.

Pugilistul roman Florian Munteanu va juca rolul fiului lui Ivan Drago, personaj facut celebru de Dolph Lundgren in seria Rocky. El a filmat alaturi de Michael B. Jordan si Sylvester Stalone pentru Creed 2.

Munteanu este intr-o continua ascensiune dupa ce a obtinut rolul din Creed 2, iar acum a aparut si pe coperta celebrei reviste Muscle & Fitness, fondata in 1935 de Joe Weider.

Florian Munteanu este un sportiv desavarsit. Pe langa box, el cocheteaza cu kickboxingul, fiind ambasador al SuperKombat, si practica si antrenamentele cu greutati. Iar fizicul lui demonstreaza asta.

Poreclit "Big Nasty", Munteanu posteaza destul de des clipuri in care se antreneaza.


repost from @muscleandfitness Get fighter fit like our October cover star Florian “Big Nasty” Munteanu (@bignasty ), who stars as Viktor Drago in the upcoming ‘Creed II.’ Get your copy on newsstands now! (????: @perbernalphoto ) . Huge honor to be on the international @muscleandfitness cover this month. Get your copy now to read more about my workout routines and get more infos about my upcoming movie, Creed II. When I was a kid I always dreamed of being on the cover of one of the big fitness magazines. Now I'm the guy who's starring back at you from the newsstands. #weonlygettingstarted #creed2 #rocky #drago #muscleandfitness #getripped

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Daily grind ????

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Traveling around the world ???? but always stay in shape no matter what ????

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Gettin' huge and shredded ???????????? . with @chrisskogberg

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